21st Annual Smithsonian Magazine Photo Contest People

Capturing a moment like a bookshop owner engrossed in reading in the bustling College Street book market in Kolkata is a wonderful way to document the unique cultural and intellectual atmosphere of the place. College Street, often referred to as "Boi Para" (Book Town), is a literary haven and a paradise for book lovers. In this photograph, the shop owner's immersion in a book amidst a sea of literature is a powerful and symbolic image. It highlights the profound connection that the people of Kolkata have with books and the city's rich literary heritage. The fact that College Street is home to the largest secondhand book market in the world is a testament to this profound love for literature. I capture such moment and share them through my lens not only serves as a personal memento also as a way to showcase the city's intellectual and cultural vibrancy to a wider audience. This photograph provides viewers with a glimpse into the unique charm of College Street, where books are not just commodities but an integral part of the city's identity and its people's lives.

Photo Detail
Date Taken: 10.2023
Date Uploaded: 11.2023
Photo Location: Kolkata, India
Camera: NIKON D750
Copyright: © Debashis Mukherjee