18th Annual Smithsonian Magazine Photo Contest Mobile
Double rainbow and flag made of flowers converge on a special day at a precise moment in history

This is a photo that was taken on 11/07/2020 from our property. The giant flag in the background is a made of flowers (red/white/blue) and paint. The flag is on our neighbors ranch that my property faces. After posting it on Facebook, the photograph seems to have sparked something in lots of people, by all the comments on social media, it seems to have captured a collective feeling that we all felt that day. It meant so many different things to so many different people, it totally caught us off guard. One of my biggest takeaways was that out of hundreds of Facebook comments and almost 2K likes in just a few days and a ton of shares, the comments and feedback where all positive and beyond. How often does that happen on social media, never? The caption is: Mother Nature just got the memo, her timing was impeccable. 8:26 am 11/07/2020

Photo Detail
Date Taken: 11.2020
Date Uploaded: 11.2020
Photo Location: Fallbrook, ca, United States of America
Camera: iPhone 8 Plus
Copyright: © Jonathan arbel