21st Annual Smithsonian Magazine Photo Contest Natural World
Rhino calf

The waterhole at this specific underground hide is small. If large animal come to drink, then the front part of the animal is not more than two meters away from the glass window that separates the photographer and the animal. Photography is therefore done with a wide-angle lens (12 – 28 mm). It is also possible to sleepover at night when the waterhole is partially lit by floodlights. Photography at night here offers dramatic images as the animals are only partially lit creating some dramatic atmosphere. The animals also open there eyes fully because it is dark… This Rhino calf came for a drink with its mother and was always very close to the mother. I captured this image when it moved slightly away from the mother.

Photo Detail
Date Taken: 09.2023
Date Uploaded: 11.2023
Photo Location: NA, South Africa
Copyright: © Dr Johan J Botha