21st Annual Smithsonian Magazine Photo Contest Natural World
A branching Red-winged Blackbird chick

There is a small water catch basin that has become a tiny little wetland on the college campus where I teach. In the spring, Red-winged Blackbirds stake out territories among the cattails and grasses. I like to park my car nearby and watch the birds chase each other around. One day, I noticed something hopping and skulking through the plants, and then watched a female Blackbird drop in with food in her beak. After she left, the little skulking chick emerged from between the cattails, and looked at me for the briefest of moments while it was looking for its next meal to be delivered. Most of the time they are hidden amongst the vegetation and hard to see. So, I consider myself fortunate to have snapped this shot.

Photo Detail
Date Taken: 05.2023
Date Uploaded: 11.2023
Photo Location: Newark, Ohio, United States of America
Copyright: © Casey Tucker