21st Annual Smithsonian Magazine Photo Contest Natural World
A Different Universe

The eye is like starring into the night sky. It’s a galaxy of dark matter, speckled with reflections of distant stars. It leaves me with more questions than answers. Humans always try to make sense of the world. We explore, observe and seek understanding, but there are just some concepts of the sky, the land and the ocean, we might never grasp. Can we be ok with it? I do hope so. Because to marvel about creation, life and beauty, does not require answers. It just leaves us with an immense excitement and joy about life in all its forms. To many more adventures on this great planet. Life is great. Never stop exploring.

Photo Detail
Date Taken: 11.2023
Date Uploaded: 11.2023
Photo Location: Cape Town, South Africa
Camera: TG-7
Copyright: © Gunnar Oberhösel