I was visiting the "Praça dos três poderes" in Brasilia with my parents. When we stoped by "Os Candangos". This is statued is comnoly know by this name in tribute of the immigrant that came from the north side of Brasil to work at the construction of Brasilia. Most of them died and the rest was send to live far away from the city they built. The prejudice against the ones that come from the north in Brasilian cities from the south is huge. My grandmother (mother of my father) was born in the same state as I, in the south-west region. Her father came from the north-west region. That was enough for my grandfather call her "blacker" than him. Even thought she is totally white. In this way the colorism of white exist in Brasil. It's not as strong as racism with other races (african, asian and america natives decedents) but it exists. My gran-grandfather that came from the north-west was baiano and in Brasil exists the estereotype that all baianos are lazy. But my grand-grandfather worked in politcs, as a jornalist and had lawyer degree. He was know to read a lot! I believe he did all of that to show that he wasn't lazy like they aspected. Another esterotype is that everyone that come from the north to live in the south is poor. My grandmother tells me how her parents did not saved money for nothing. They used to spent in everything they wanted having things in home that at the time only rich people had. I believe this is, again, a way that my grand-grandfather tried to blend in the society of the south and show that he is not like they expected. I tould all this ancestries history just to show the symbolism of my Father taking a photo in a monument "made" for the ones that died of work just to create the beautiful place we visited that day. My father is obviously withe and was born in the south so he did not suffer anything like my grand-grandfather or my grandmother did and I supouse that is exacly what they wanted and succed to do. Is sad that we succeded to blend in but it looks like in our society (for immigrants) if they don't blend in they die of work or hunger. They isn't to much to choose if you don't want your grandsons to suffer.
Date Taken: | 03.2016 |
Date Uploaded: | 11.2020 |
Photo Location: | Brasilia, Brazil |
Camera: | iPhone 4S |
Copyright: | © Ana Julia Olivier Rocha |