Smithsonian magazine's 22nd Annual Photo Contest | Made possible through the support of

14th Annual Smithsonian Magazine Photo Contest Travel
A sailboat drifting across Lake Junaluska

I was at work (at one of the hotels that overlooks Lake Junaluska, a popular travel destination in Western North Carolina) and was thinking about how much I needed a relaxing 30 minute break because it was so busy. Right as I was thinking that, I looked up and happened to see a sailboat slowly drifting across the lake by the walking bridge. I took a picture of it because I wished at that moment, more than anything, that I was on that sailboat, drifting away from my hectic work load.

Photo Detail
Date Taken: 04.2016
Date Uploaded: 04.2016
Photo Location: Lake Junaluska, North Carolina, United States of America
Camera: COOLPIX S7000
Copyright: © Matthew Lucas