Smithsonian magazine's 22nd Annual Photo Contest | Made possible through the support of

18th Annual Smithsonian Magazine Photo Contest People
A tale of a street children

A life of uncertainty Forid is a Child who is age of 14 years, who is living and sleeping with somebody or alone on the street, working or playing on the street, deprived of basic needs and services are the street. Who earns there living on the City Street and stay there for most or all of the day. He may or may not have parents or legal guardians. He is the victims of social degradation and does not have awareness of own rights or self steam. In Bangladesh, the number of street children has been increasing rapidly in recent years. Mostly, Dhaka city has been facing this problem due to internal migration and people searching for work. Hence, it is near impossible to count the number of street children.

Photo Detail
Date Taken: 12.2019
Date Uploaded: 11.2020
Photo Location: Dhaka, Bangladesh
Copyright: © Golam rabbani shojib