Smithsonian magazine's 22nd Annual Photo Contest | Made possible through the support of

19th Annual Smithsonian Magazine Photo Contest The American Experience
aMErica, the melting pot of Humanity

aMErica is themelting pot of all humanity! This is God's Golden Dream. God's Golden Dream It is the hour of twilight. And I look up at the horizon. From my lips come a voice. A voice filled with intense Pain for race: A Human race, A humble and noble race; A strong and unselfish race. My heart has become full, Filled with a dream. A dream to move beyond the COLOR BARRIER, It is God's Golden Dream. A dream that cries with A lost voice. Words that have escaped From the past. Words that have climbed Into the present. I speak of an immortal dream. A dream printed in gold. That all men, women, and Children Of every nationality can behold. It is a dream Implanted deep within my soul. A dream with the ultimate goal Of all races united. A dream with a struggle. A struggle To achiEVE! by TRAcy Hill 1989

Photo Detail
Date Taken: 11.2021
Date Uploaded: 11.2021
Photo Location: Whiteville, Tennessee, United States of America
Copyright: © Tracy Hill