Smithsonian magazine's 22nd Annual Photo Contest | Made possible through the support of

11th Annual Smithsonian Magazine Photo Contest Travel
Antwerp is the world's capital of diamond trade. Why Modern Antwerp-cut Diamond insures Maximum Brilliance? A lucid illustration of that is displayed inside Diamondland, Appelmansstraat 33a, Antwerp.

Antwerp is the world's capital of diamond trade. Why Modern Antwerp-cut Diamond insures Maximum Brilliance? A lucid illustration of that is displayed inside Diamondland, Appelmansstraat 33a, Antwerp. Photo by Tania Dey

Photo Detail
Date Taken: 05.2012
Date Uploaded: 11.2013
Photo Location:
Camera: Fujifilm A220 A230
Copyright: © Tania Dey