Probably everyone is familiar. This painful interaction with society, with other people. They walk past us, live with us, require attention, care, sympathy, any response. Even the people close to us sooner or later, if mixed together in one large foreign mass, has a strong and stable pressure And sooner or later, tired of this interaction, we feel the urgent need to hide, disappear, become invisible to the world and others. We can not stop or even slow down the mad pace of life, but we have the power to slow yourself. Slow down a step to slow down, to breathe deeply and evenly, listening to his heartbeat. Sometimes you just want to become invisible, to hide a while, take a short break during the marathon. Sometimes, I want to disappear forever, to merge nature with the entire environment in every cell of the body. And sometimes, mimicry works in the human body as a defense mechanism when there is a desire to solve all their problems childish, naive, "and I'm in the house!". Anyway, we all feel the need for daily spiritual rest, and at times, to meet her, we can only hide.
Date Taken: | 11.2015 |
Date Uploaded: | 11.2015 |
Photo Location: | Russia |
Camera: | NIKON D300S |
Copyright: | © Alexandra Vitushkina |