Smithsonian magazine's 22nd Annual Photo Contest | Made possible through the support of

20th Annual Smithsonian Magazine Photo Contest Natural World
Baby it's cold out there.

The image was taken early evening from my backyard deck. The pine tree in the photo was planted by me thirty-five years ago. I was in church one Sunday morning and they handed out tree shoots as we exited. I was looking for a place to plant it, because I was living in an apartment. I was dating this young lady at the time and I knew her parents had a big backyard. I asked if I could place it in the yard, she agreed. I ended up marrying her and we bought the family home. The tree grew well along with our love. My wife passed away of cancer two years ago and this was the first time I took a photo of the tree since she passed. The tree has gone through many storms, but it keeps growing larger every year, like our love for each other.

Photo Detail
Date Taken: 01.2021
Date Uploaded: 11.2022
Photo Location: Dunkirk, New York, United States of America
Camera: KODAK EASYSHARE C183 Digital Camera
Copyright: © gregory catalano