While I'm not a huge fan of cold weather, one of the joys of winter is waiting for migrating birds to appear. Buffleheads are one of those birds: They breed in northern Canada and come south for the winter. It is always fun to have them visit for a spell. They appear in flocks and are generally very animated, often engaging with the other birds, then suddenly taking flight to give some distance. They appear to walk on water as they gear up to become airborne but once in the air, they pull their feet up and move incredibly quickly. This shot captures an airborne male who had decided to fly to his own space, ahead of the flock. I like the shot because it reveals the buffleheads 'true' colors of browns, green and magenta. While a quick glance might leave you thinking these are black and white birds, this image really highlights their true beauty.
Date Taken: | 11.2024 |
Date Uploaded: | 12.2024 |
Photo Location: | Barrington, RI, Rhode Island, United States of America |
Copyright: | © Hilary Vadner |