Smithsonian magazine's 22nd Annual Photo Contest | Made possible through the support of

15th Annual Smithsonian Magazine Photo Contest The American Experience
By The Power Of Steam

If you miss this monster of a steam tractor going through Ennis Montana, then you're not paying attention to your surroundings. This old steam powered tractor is on display just off the road as you drive through Ennis. When I was taking some shots of this beauty, the owner came out and talked to me a little about it. He said that legend has it that it made its way down the Missouri and into Montana where a guy used it at his lumber mill about 7 miles outside of Ennis. The owner was able to save it from being scraped and now displays it on his property. He told me in the winter he lights it up with Christmas lights and makes it look as though the wheels are turning. What an awesome guy to find and save this piece of history.

Photo Detail
Date Taken: 07.2016
Date Uploaded: 11.2017
Photo Location: Ennis, Montana, United States of America
Camera: NIKON D5300
Copyright: © Michael Morse