21st Annual Smithsonian Magazine Photo Contest Artistic
chocolate seizure

'Chocolate seizure is the fancy box of chocolate candies you would find at Granny's House.' You are looking at Dryscape. Pardon the extra photos. Much trouble here. The work is modeled after fancy chocolates. Each piece is a different 'taste of color.' You will even find a chocolate covered cherry in the variety assortment. Doing wood and transmuting shapes into metaphor DSs causes one to remember old times,and give thought. A Universe of high-faloootin' candy you wouldn't buy as a kid. A tremendous challenge to make and perceive if you note the jagged geometrics crammed into the piece- all eye catchers, hidden secrets, etc., hence close-ups.

Photo Detail
Date Taken: 10.2023
Date Uploaded: 10.2023
Photo Location: morrill, Nebraska, United States of America
Copyright: © douglas laurent