19th Annual Smithsonian Magazine Photo Contest People

It was a weekend night. I had been strolling the streets of my hometown searching for an enticing event. I noticed a street band playing some of their records for the citizens. Next, I saw a girl sitting in a corner, her eyes were closed, and she was tilting her head to the rhythm of music. I didn't mean to disturb her. Nevertheless, I didn't want to capture a photo without prior consent. I crouched a few feet away from her and started accosting her slowly. When I got close to her enough I held up the camera to my eye. Suddenly, she turned her head toward me. I lowered my camera immediately. I thought for a second that I might have made a bad impression on her. But, she simply smiled. I asked her if I could take her photo and she nodded her head to say yes. She returned to her former state naturally. I hadn't seen anybody attracted to street music to such an extent before. She was far away from the hustle and bustle of her surrounding. I held up my camera again and looked at her through the viewfinder. I took some time to press the shutter. I wanted to join her mysterious world of dreams.

Photo Detail
Date Taken: 09.2021
Date Uploaded: 09.2021
Photo Location: Tehran, Iran
Copyright: © Amir Ali Qanbariyan