In the warm, golden light of the Kalahari sunrise, a poignant interaction unfolds in the Bagatelle Reserve, Namibia. A local caretaker, bent slightly, shares an intense moment of connection with a seated cheetah, embodying the delicate coexistence of humans and wildlife. These cheetahs, orphaned at a young age after their parents were killed by farmers, are unable to be released back into the wild. Having never learned to hunt properly, they exhibit behaviors such as eating prey alive or killing multiple farm animals, which would inevitably lead to further conflict with farmers and their demise. Now, they must spend their lives in the sanctuary, where human care ensures their survival. The dusty, sunlit sands and sparse fencing in the background highlight the fragile balance between conservation efforts and the wilderness, and the challenges of human-wildlife conflict.
Date Taken: | 07.2024 |
Date Uploaded: | 12.2024 |
Photo Location: | Namibia |
Camera: | NIKON Z 7_2 |
Copyright: | © Alexandre Brisson |