21st Annual Smithsonian Magazine Photo Contest The American Experience

Western PA has been overrun by a plague of the invasive Asian Lanternflies this year. Including Downtown Pittsburgh where there are areas that hundreds of Lantern Flies have gathered as they try to survive an area with very limited food source and few predators. I first understood them as predators to our natural environment as the early phases of their lifecycle (small nymphs, larger, etc) were clear in all the natural areas in our neighborhoods and parks. Watching the them reach adulthood in what must have been starving masses on concrete changed my outlook from murderous to one more empathetic. Also the weeks long dance could be seen as they flew throughout the streets causing the downtown human population to duck and jive to evade. Now, as the weather has chilled to Fall evenings, they are dying. Piles of blowing light bodies with wings expanded showing their red and spotted patterning, they lie on the concrete.

Photo Detail
Date Taken: 09.2023
Date Uploaded: 09.2023
Photo Location: Pittsburgh, Pa, United States of America
Copyright: © Carolyn Keller