21st Annual Smithsonian Magazine Photo Contest Artistic

This image was taken in March 2020 just as Covid shutdowns cost us our jobs and unsettled us from Clearwater, where we had been planning to stay after a year of being unhoused. At the time, I was in peer review for an article I wrote during my year of Ph.D. studies overseas in Belgium. I had dropped out of that program and returned to the U.S. after being assaulted in Nov 2018 and finding little support from my host institution. I flew to California to escape the situation and became subsequently unhoused so I started traveling by car around the U.S. with a partner, taking photographs to deal with my trauma. The photo thus reflects how I felt caught up in a significant moment of world history while attempting to navigate my own small experience of trying to succeed academically and professionally while unhoused and suffering from PTSD. The photograph tells this story by layering my extant visual vernacular with iconography from my academic interests in Art History and drawing on my technical and creative skills as a photographer for over twenty years.

Photo Detail
Date Taken: 03.2020
Date Uploaded: 11.2023
Photo Location: Clearwater, Florida, United States of America
Camera: NIKON D3200
Copyright: © Sara Armas