Smithsonian magazine's 22nd Annual Photo Contest | Made possible through the support of

14th Annual Smithsonian Magazine Photo Contest People
Here I come, Chicago. I hope you're ready.

I captured this picture of my daughter while we were downtown Chicago.  We were celebrating her 6th Birthday by going to the American Girl Store, thus the reason she has her doll on her back.  We had just finished eating Chicago pizza, and she stopped after walking down the steps.  I feel like her stance shows a true 6 year old.  Small girl, with size 12 sandals and a doll on her back, but with attitude that the world is waiting to be conquered, and she’s very capable of conquering it.  

Photo Detail
Date Taken: 10.2014
Date Uploaded: 10.2016
Photo Location: Chicago, Illinois, United States of America
Camera: iPhone 4S
Copyright: © Meghan Staskal-Bradt