Smithsonian magazine's 22nd Annual Photo Contest | Made possible through the support of

21st Annual Smithsonian Magazine Photo Contest People
Isabel K.

Isabel K. 58 years old Profession: Menopause coach This photo it is part of an on going project: “Le temps des femmes” Portraits and encounters during the menopause season. Menopause is a stage of life, a crucial turning point, an initiatory journey. This is the moment when a woman redefines her image, both for herself and for the world around her. What does it mean to enter this new cycle of life? How can we accept constant change, the passing of life, this absolute truth that the body expresses so powerfully? We are very unprepared to face it not only physically but also emotionally, there is a general lack of support and understanding and menopause remains, for many women, something to hide. The experience of this transformation pushed me in 2022 to try to meet other women in France where I currently live.

Photo Detail
Date Taken: 06.2023
Date Uploaded: 11.2023
Photo Location: Navarenx, France
Camera: NIKON D600
Copyright: © Helen Margaret Giovanello