20th Annual Smithsonian Magazine Photo Contest People
life is tough

San Giovanni di Dio Hospital, Florence, Italy. Federico and his intern taking a break on the terrace right outside the ward. Life is tough darlin, but so are you // pictures from a Covid 19 ward An unknown element like the Corona Virus impacts our lives and leads us to change them radically. In the face of a danger like this, transformation is the only way out, which is why both the health system and us doctors have had to adapt. Hospitals, like doctors, have undergone a metamorphosis. While the infection was raging, a quick reorganization of resources was fundamental, static meant defeat So Federico, from one day to the next one, as an orthopedist at the San Giovanni di Dio Hospital in Florence, chose to work of the Covid 19 department, in a field that is not his, like many doctors around the Globe.

Photo Detail
Date Taken: 04.2020
Date Uploaded: 11.2022
Photo Location: florence, Italy
Camera: LEICA SL (Typ 601)
Copyright: © clara vannucci