Smithsonian magazine's 22nd Annual Photo Contest | Made possible through the support of

17th Annual Smithsonian Magazine Photo Contest Natural World
Longing Gaze

My husband and I had been hearing sounds from an old unused chimney on our house. We just assumed that it was a squirrel. Then a few days later, I was out in the yard trimming bushes. I heard animal chatter coming from our roof. As I looked up to see what it was, there were two baby raccoons frantically trying to get back into the chimney. I quickly grabbed my camera and began to take pictures. When they noticed me they stopped moving around and allowed me to capture this shot. Their mother eventually came out and picked them up one by one and took them back into the chimney.

Photo Detail
Date Taken: 05.2019
Date Uploaded: 05.2019
Photo Location: Tipp City, Ohio, United States of America
Camera: Canon EOS Rebel T6i
Copyright: © Paige Landis