Smithsonian magazine's 22nd Annual Photo Contest | Made possible through the support of

14th Annual Smithsonian Magazine Photo Contest Altered Images
Lumangwe Falls

The Kalungwishi River is the hidden treasure of northern Zambia, coming from the main plateau and flowing north to Lake Mweru. The river´s water is crystal clear and there are three unbelievably beautiful falls on its last 100 kilometers before flowing into Lake Mweru. First it´s the Lumangwe Falls, also called the "little Victoria Falls" because it resembles Zambia´s most famous falls. A few kilometers downstream the Kabwelume Falls follow, by far the most beautiful falls you can find. Only 30 kilometers before the lake the Kundabwika Falls are the last ones at Kalungwishi River.

Photo Detail
Date Taken: 07.2016
Date Uploaded: 09.2016
Photo Location: northeast of Kawambwa, Zambia
Camera: LEICA Q (Typ 116)
Copyright: © Ulf Krone