Smithsonian magazine's 22nd Annual Photo Contest | Made possible through the support of

16th Annual Smithsonian Magazine Photo Contest Altered Images
lunch on the grass

this picture is from the "Faux-semblants" Series. "Faux-semblants" is a work on the photographic medium, its relation to space and time. The photograph offers only a truncated image of the reality of space, delimited by the sensor surface of the camera or the sensitive surface of the film. Photography is not an objective image of reality but a subjective vision proposed by the photographer throught this small window. The idea is to recreate a large space, by the juxtaposition and the multiplication of these fragments of "landscapes". However, the proposed image is not a reflection of reality but the sum of the subjectivities of each fragment. "Faux-semblants" is also a work on the relation to the time of the medium. Exit the photographic snapshot, the image is here built on a long time and represents a sum of different moments. "Faux-semblants" is in a way a questioning of the concepts of "truth photography" and "decisive moment". The reconstructed image, voluntarily suggestive, allows us to take a critical look on our way of life.

Photo Detail
Date Taken: 09.2017
Date Uploaded: 11.2018
Photo Location: France
Copyright: © Gérard Staron