Smithsonian magazine's 22nd Annual Photo Contest | Made possible through the support of

14th Annual Smithsonian Magazine Photo Contest Sustainable Travel
Mother and daughter, Maranon River, Peru

Three other high school teachers, 20 students, and myself, spent 10 days collecting bio diversity data in Pacaya-Samiria reserve, Peru. This data will provide evidence that the community based conservation project, between the local Cocama and Operation Wallacea, now in its tenth year, has been successful. In fact, there are many success stories already emerging from this work. Giant river otter, turtle, and dolphin populations are coming back, and in Iquitos, the use of bush meat is on the decline. Together, the Cocama and Operation Wallacea, use the data we and other students collect, to set sustainable limits on hunting and fishing. By forging friendships, the students, the Cocama, and Operation Wallacea staff, have been able to show that wildlife and humans can coexist sustainably in the same ecosystem.

Photo Detail
Date Taken: 07.2016
Date Uploaded: 07.2016
Photo Location: Peru
Copyright: © Mark Paul