Smithsonian magazine's 22nd Annual Photo Contest | Made possible through the support of

15th Annual Smithsonian Magazine Photo Contest Natural World
Mr Hummer Ruby After IRMA Hurricane

This male Ruby Throat Hummingbird visited me in the 2017 migration. Hummingbirds are sturdy little pollinators and have beautiful features to observe. This photo was captured in Albany, Georgia USA a few days after the eye of Hurricane Irma passed over the region. I had never before seen the the numbers of migrating Hummingbirds in my location. It was a wonderful opportunity to study their behavior and habits and capture some great images and video. They devour small insects, pollinate flowering plants and vegetables, and are pure joy to watch and observe. At the time I submitted this on September 22, 2017, the numbers of these incredible pollinators at my location had dropped significantly but I still have a few that are busy attending to the cypress vine, zinnias, trumpet vine, and fall tomatoes. I have since learned there are many birders who enjoy observing and studying the annual migration of hummers and capturing images such as this one. It is pure joy to watch and share experiences with others.

Photo Detail
Date Taken: 09.2017
Date Uploaded: 09.2017
Photo Location: Albany, Georgia, United States of America
Camera: Canon EOS Rebel T6i
Copyright: © Elizabeth Strickland