Smithsonian magazine's 22nd Annual Photo Contest | Made possible through the support of

15th Annual Smithsonian Magazine Photo Contest The American Experience

The image is a commentary on humanity's relationship with fossil fuels and the consequent effects such a relationship has on contemporary life and the well-being of the planet. The photo captures a commonplace activity, fueling up, but in a way which reveals underlying narratives. An afternoon shower caused oil soaked in the pavement, otherwise not visible, to rise to the surface. The slick of oil forms a stream which bisects the path of a pedestrian and making its way to a street drain. A subtle break in the clouds provides a soft light which washes over the scene providing a subtle optimism to the otherwise bleak imagery captured.

Photo Detail
Date Taken: 08.2016
Date Uploaded: 09.2017
Photo Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States of America
Copyright: © Nicholas Jeffway