Smithsonian magazine's 22nd Annual Photo Contest | Made possible through the support of

19th Annual Smithsonian Magazine Photo Contest People
REI Enrique a typical dancer of Izucar de Matamoros, Mexico

When I met Enrique, a typical dancer from the Izucar de Matamoros region, Mexico, who dances Los Twelve pairs of France, he talked to me about how his grandfather helped him design his typical costume, adding religious details, the color blue is because in battle represents the group of Christians. Seeing the result of the image of him on the Nikon camera, I comment he looked like a REI (King).

Photo Detail
Date Taken: 01.2020
Date Uploaded: 04.2021
Photo Location: Izucar de Matamoros, Mexico
Camera: NIKON D5100
Copyright: © Carlos Abraham