Smithsonian magazine's 22nd Annual Photo Contest | Made possible through the support of

19th Annual Smithsonian Magazine Photo Contest The American Experience
Remaining a Bachelor

A lone bay stallion walks the vast and empty badlands that are now haunted by others he used to call family. Three ridges to the west are a couple newly formed bands, made up of remnants left from the original wild herd of 700 head strong that used to call this HMA home. October 2019 BLM conducted a wild horse gather to return numbers back to the appropriate and manageable number. There are now only approximately 140 wild horses left in Fifteenmile with some forming new families while others walk alone.

Photo Detail
Date Taken: 11.2020
Date Uploaded: 11.2021
Photo Location: Worland, Wyoming, United States of America
Copyright: © Renee Lund