Smithsonian magazine's 22nd Annual Photo Contest | Made possible through the support of

13th Annual Smithsonian Magazine Photo Contest Natural World
Retreating Glacier in the background once carved this rock

Global Warming is an active issue but many people do not get this experience first hand until they come face to face with these landscapes. It feels really sad and makes us realize we as mankind is hurting our mother nature. But Earth goes through the cycle it will replenish again but Mankind will be in Jeopardy. A simple immediate effect of this retreating giants is people have to walk miles and miles away from the Nature Center which were build in the past and so these spots are slowly dying no one is willing to walk (eg. exit glacier) So it is very important to visit these places for a realization what damage is done , experience it and atleast make people aware that the effect of global warming is already happening and that this is the future. I also realized one thing is one should get here before everything is gone and imagine people who go there for a retirement trip will be disappointed to know they could have been there 30 years the scene could have been different altogether

Photo Detail
Date Taken: 06.2015
Date Uploaded: 07.2015
Photo Location: Alaska, United States of America
Camera: ILCE-5100
Copyright: © Aniket Mejare