Smithsonian magazine's 22nd Annual Photo Contest | Made possible through the support of

15th Annual Smithsonian Magazine Photo Contest People
Rob Kangas

Rob was my photography teacher for my advanced black and whit class last spring, he's also the head of the photography department at OCC, at least for the Royal Oak Campus. Anyone who's had Rob as a teacher knows that he has the answer to pretty much any question you could have. The man is a wizard, he has the admiration of every student he's ever taught. Unfortunately I didn't have much time to interview him because he was on break from his history of photography class. I did, however, get the answer to the question I think a lot of people want to know: how did you get your start in photography? Rob told me that he began by working in the operating room with one of relatives after school (I think he said he was 17). The shift that he worked happened to be the emergency shift, so he saw some pretty gnarly stuff. He decided to try and find some work somewhere else and ended up in the photography department of the hospital. There he was encouraged to go to school for the craft, and ended up at College for Creative Studies for photography. He realized that what he really enjoyed was photography education and ended up going to grad school for it. Now he keeps the classics alive at OCC teaching pretty much every photography course they offer.

Photo Detail
Date Taken: 04.2017
Date Uploaded: 05.2017
Photo Location: Royal Oak, Michigan, United States of America
Camera: NIKON D7100
Copyright: © Nathan Archambeau