Smithsonian magazine's 22nd Annual Photo Contest | Made possible through the support of

13th Annual Smithsonian Magazine Photo Contest Natural World
Snowy Desert

Sustainable travel can mean many things. I believe, in one aspect, it can mean taking care of and honoring the landscapes and environments we visit. Maybe it means picking up trash that was left behind, utilizing gas-free transportation, keeping water and energy use to a minimum, educating local children about respecting the nature around them, etc. This photograph was taken in Brazil in the dunes of Lençois Mahrenses. When I saw the stunning, lifeless branches protrude through the fine, warm sand like sculptures of art, all I could think is how this scene could be mistaken for battered trees in a snow storm during the dead of winter. This photograph represents to me the magic of nature, its sense of humor, but more importantly, how we must take care of it to keep it alive.

Photo Detail
Date Taken: 11.2013
Date Uploaded: 11.2015
Photo Location: Sao Luis, Brazil
Camera: Canon EOS 50D
Copyright: © Erica Simone