21st Annual Smithsonian Magazine Photo Contest People

People ,i would like to say, without one another we are incomplete, that was what i realized when i took the above shot. Since morning when we wake up we meet different different people the milkman, the newspaper boy, the person who collects our house garbage, etc ...etc..the list is endless , one person cannot do all the work , we all need each other still we all don't realize it and we keep on fighting for unnecessary say petty things . The above shot was taken when i joined photography course this year, basics we learned , not in depth but it was our first practical class and we had gone to Gandhi Ashram to take pics. My husband had gifted me a camera and i had taken it along. Now one thing i am about to disclose which i have not told anyone bcoz here story behind the image is asked, so have to tell the truth , i was not able to understand the settings and everyone was clicking effortlessly , i went to sir who was sitting far under a tree and started crying and said i am not able to understand the settings ,and told him please dont tell anyone that i cried...hahaha, sir explained to me certain things and said it is the first time u r holding camera, dont worry ...

Photo Detail
Date Taken: 01.2022
Date Uploaded: 11.2023
Photo Location: Ahmedabad, India
Camera: NIKON Z 30
Copyright: © Siju Dave