Smithsonian magazine's 22nd Annual Photo Contest | Made possible through the support of

15th Annual Smithsonian Magazine Photo Contest People
The butterfly symbolizes the soul

in Burmese mythology, the butterfly symbolizes the soul, Win-laik-pya is a Burmese term meaning "soul-butterfly." . It is believed that during a person's slumber, their soul-butterfly escapes, soaring through the universe, encountering other soul-butterflies. As the owner awakens, the butterfly must immediately return. Burmese children are taught not to wake a person up suddenly, in case the soul-butterfly fails to return in time to its owner.

Photo Detail
Date Taken: 09.2017
Date Uploaded: 09.2017
Photo Location: Inle lake, Myanmar
Camera: DMC-LX7
Copyright: © Stefanos Chronis