Smithsonian magazine's 22nd Annual Photo Contest | Made possible through the support of

15th Annual Smithsonian Magazine Photo Contest Mobile
The Mushroom Man

Til Bahadur Gurung in Pothana, Lumle, Nepal, finds a giant mushroom of the Termitomyces complex. This mushroom is called Bhui in Gurung (meaning ‘land’), Charmo in Tamang (meaning ‘bent’), and Chate in Nepali (meaning ‘umbrella’). By learning names, we can begin to explore how language and culture conceptualizes mushrooms. Or, we can simply ask about the use of the mushroom. One man forgot the name of the fungus- and said that it is best enjoyed roasted with salt and pepper and a swig of rakshi (the local brew).

Photo Detail
Date Taken: 10.2016
Date Uploaded: 04.2017
Photo Location: Pothana, Nepal
Camera: iPhone 5s
Copyright: © Lily Clarke