Smithsonian magazine's 22nd Annual Photo Contest | Made possible through the support of

16th Annual Smithsonian Magazine Photo Contest Travel
The Night Bazaar

The night bazaar at Temple Street, Hong Kong is a famous bazaar both to tourists and locals. The bazaar opens in the afternoon every day and thrives at dusk. Since the booths are temporarily set up on the carriage, traffic would be blocked during the business hours. After the bazaar closes at midnight, traffic would resume normal. In addition to the retailing booths, there are also booths of fortune telling and Cantonese opera show. You could look into the daily life of the grassroots here.

Photo Detail
Date Taken: 05.2017
Date Uploaded: 11.2018
Photo Location: Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Camera: NIKON D7200
Copyright: © Halu CHOW