Smithsonian magazine's 22nd Annual Photo Contest | Made possible through the support of

22nd Annual Smithsonian Magazine Photo Contest The American Experience
The View From Ellis Island

I was part of a Joe McNally photo workshop that allowed us to photograph the abandoned Ellis Island Hospital. Known as the "Hard Hat Tour," it takes people to the areas most don't get to see when going to Ellis Island. We were very lucky that morning to get beautiful light coming into the rooms. To think of all the millions of immigrants being brought into that room, for them to see the Statue of Liberty outside this window must have made their trip to America worth all the hardships.

Photo Detail
Date Taken: 09.2022
Date Uploaded: 10.2024
Photo Location: Manhattan, New York, United States of America
Camera: NIKON Z 7
Copyright: © Patrick Cashin
Photo of the Day: 02.10.25