Smithsonian magazine's 22nd Annual Photo Contest | Made possible through the support of

17th Annual Smithsonian Magazine Photo Contest Natural World
The world's most trafficked animal

Temminck's pangolin. A pangolin's scales, like fingernails, are made up of keratin, thus totally devoid of any medicinal or nutritional value. Yet they are under threat of poachers selling them to ignorant buyers believing in their medicinal use. The world's most trafficked animal is very shy and on every wildlife photographer's "want" list. REST is a facility for pangolin where rescued animals are cared for and released into the wild. The recovering animals are walked in the wild every day.

Photo Detail
Date Taken: 10.2019
Date Uploaded: 11.2019
Photo Location: Outjo, Namibia
Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV
Copyright: © Elize Labuschagne