I live in Pennsylvania and there are now known carcinogenic fracking chemicals in my drinking water. The companies aren't fined or penalized, the CEOs of the drilling companies simply ask that the water companies stop using chlorine to purify the public's water. ( Chlorine combines to form an even more toxic cocktail...and now we have similar problems with lead in the drinking water as Flint, MI.) Local papers and news organizations refuse to covers this story. The near cataclysmic accident at three mile island in 1979 is nearly forgotten. In our endless search for more cheap energy, the danger are simply replaced with new problematic resources. The gas industry is flourishing in my area, remaining an inexpensive and viable resources because it is a new and an extremely deregulated industry. State budgets are redirected i.e. robbed from public education to deliver healthy subsidies to gas drilling companies in Pennsylvania. My image is about the old dangers that still exist with nuclear energy, and the oncoming war that must be fought to preserve fresh drinking water. What does a sustainable travel project look like to you? --This is happening in my backyard, but there are many places in the US that I would like to visit that are suffering due to the unregulated practices of hydraulic fracturing. I'd like to concentrate on making interesting environmental portraits of all parties involved. I'm also interested in producing audio recordings of their stories and hardships to share with people in other parts of the country that this practice is just in the beginning stages. Thank You,
Date Taken: | 11.2016 |
Date Uploaded: | 11.2016 |
Photo Location: | Middletown, Pennsylvania, United States of America |
Copyright: | © J R |