20th Annual Smithsonian Magazine Photo Contest Artistic
Unconventional Social Gathering

We were one-month into the Covid19 Pandemic, required to shelter-in-place in our homes and restricted from coming in contact with other people (ie. "social distancing"). Our social lives were suddenly cut off, and we were living in a new world of physical isolation as the pandemic evolved. I spent numerous hours in my mother's garden, not only to get fresh air daily, but also to meditate and reflect. I became very mindful of my surroundings and the beauty in the simple things that we've taken for granted. Like this robust Birds of Paradise bush in her backyard. The "birds" appeared to be gathered in a festive, social situation and looked like they were joyfully "yakking" up a storm. I needed a moment of pure joy, and this sight of a festive social gathering (albeit flowers/plants, not humans) filled my heart with the joy, promise and hope I sought at that time. Sometimes what you need appears.

Photo Detail
Date Taken: 04.2020
Date Uploaded: 11.2022
Photo Location: SAN FRANCISCO, California, United States of America
Camera: iPhone 5
Copyright: © Donna Lau