18th Annual Smithsonian Magazine Photo Contest Altered Images
Water Portals 053

Levitating in the waters of the Chilean coast, as a ritual, the photographer places these sculptures in the form of portals, that represent our origin in the heavens, and that operate as entrances to some unknown places outside this world, but which are connected with our same space and time through this anti-gravity geometry. Portals and teleportation have been a part of the history of man from ancient texts such the Mahabharata, in which beings of light and even humans appear and disappear from this world, and it is precisely in the water where some of these phenomena occur. These doors can lead somewhere in the mind or heart; feelings, ideas, memories, images and moods can appear when diving into the portal, it is a different experience for everyone.

Photo Detail
Date Taken: 12.2019
Date Uploaded: 11.2020
Photo Location: Chile
Camera: NIKON D3200
Copyright: © Esteban Amaro