15th Annual Smithsonian Magazine Photo Contest People
Window On Niger

Children carrying pots on their heads stopped their way spotting me taking a photo from an abandoned house, in Say village, in the surroundings of Niger capital city, Niamey.

According to the Human Development Index, Niger is ranked 188th on ... 188 listed countries. In this new year Niger is still facing many challenges that limit its development. Boko Haram crisis resulted in the displacement of thousands of people across the country, but also refugees from Nigeria who fled the conflict. With the highest rate of natality in the world - each woman has in average 8 children - Niger faces also malnutrition issues. If malnutrition in Niger is sometimes due to wrong feeding habits, it is also due to the lack of food access. Climate change isn't for nothing in this.

But Niger is also -and mainly to me- on of the most beautiful country I have ever been to, with some of the most resilient people I ever met. Poor does't necessarily mean unhappy. And I do think happiness should be included in these "development" rankings.

Photo Detail
Date Taken: 08.2015
Date Uploaded: 11.2017
Photo Location: Say Village, Niger
Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark III
Copyright: © Vincent Tremeau