10th Annual Smithsonian Magazine Photo Contest Natural World
...With Envy - Small grasshopper, roughly 5/8" long. Used a Panasonic FZ-100, speedlite with homemade bounce card/diffuser, Raynox M-250 macro lens. This is the best of 5 shots before the little gu

...With Envy - Small grasshopper, roughly 5/8" long. Used a Panasonic FZ-100, speedlite with homemade bounce card/diffuser, Raynox M-250 macro lens. This is the best of 5 shots before the little guy hopped out of my sight.

Photo Detail
Date Taken: 06.2012
Date Uploaded: 11.2012
Photo Location:
Camera: DMC-FZ100
Copyright: © Mickey Moten