21st Annual Smithsonian Magazine Photo Contest Natural World
Wolf in the Outskirts of Town

In the eyes of this fierce creature, I see reflections of my own untapped potential, waiting to be unleashed into the world. Like the wolf, we too have an instinctive drive to roam the uncharted territories of life, to venture beyond the comfort zones that surround us. It's in those moments of vulnerability that we truly discover who we are and what we are capable of achieving. This wolf was photographed just barely out of the city of Missoula, Montana. Expressing just how close the untamed wild lives near us. Wolves teach us the value of community and the strength that comes from standing together. Just as they form close-knit packs, supporting one another through thick and thin, we too must recognize the significance of our relationships and the power of unity. Together, we can conquer the challenges that life throws our way, and together, we can celebrate our triumphs. In our fast-paced modern lives, it's easy to lose touch with our primal instincts and forget the deep connection we share with nature. But I hope this image serves as a gentle reminder to slow down, to listen to the whispers of the wilderness that call to our souls. Let's take a moment to embrace the stillness, to reflect on our journey thus far, and to dream of the adventures that lie ahead.

Photo Detail
Date Taken: 05.2022
Date Uploaded: 11.2023
Photo Location: Missoula, Montana, United States of America
Camera: Canon EOS Rebel T6
Copyright: © Tanner Saul